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Simple enemycolor switch for nemesis

Posted: 10 Nov 2010 12:04
by YeLLoW
This i took from the NG client. noticed only yesterday lol. There is a realy simple cfg file called cycle.cfg to allow you cycle enemy colors by simple pressing one and the same key on keyboard. So i modyfied it to work with nemesis (different color codes and DEL button )and added a cool "change sound".
The code looks like this. Just save it as cfg file or add it to your cfg. its up to you.
After the load simple press the Delete key to change your enemycolors on the fly and easily.
Feel free to modify the color codes as you wish.

Code: Select all

// cg_EnemyColors cycle script
// Use the 'Delete / .' key on your keypad to cycle through various skin colors

set EMC1 			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^1Red;cg_enemyColor "1-0xFF0000-0xFF0000-0xFF0000";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC2"
set EMC2 			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^4Blue;cg_enemyColor "4-0x0000FF-0x0000FF-0x0000FF";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC3"
set EMC3 			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^3Yellow;cg_enemyColor "3-0xFFFF00-0xCCFF00-0xFFFF00";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC4"
set EMC4 			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^2Green;cg_enemyColor "2-0x00FF00-0x00FF00-0x00FF00";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC5"
set EMC5 			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^5Cyan;cg_enemyColor "5-0x66FFFF-0x00FFFF-0x66FFFF";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC6"
set EMC6 			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^7White;cg_enemyColor "7-0xFFFFFF-0xFFFFFF-0xFFFFFF";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC7"
set EMC7			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^7(Orange); cg_enemyColor "7-0xF5680C-0xF5680C-0xF5680C";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC8"
set EMC8 			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^5Mi^6xe^5d1;cg_enemyColor "7-0x00FFFF-0xFF00FF-0x00FFFF";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC9"
set EMC9 			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^7Mi^2xe^7d2;cg_enemyColor "2-7-2-7";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC10"
set EMC10 			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^6Mi^3xe^2d3;cg_enemyColor "2-0xFF00FF-0xFFFF00-0x33FF00";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC11"
set EMC11 			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^5Mi^7xe^5d4;cg_enemyColor "7-0x66FFFF-0xFFFFFF-0x00FFFF";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC12"
set EMC12 			"echo ^7EnemyColor => ^6Pur^2ple^6Dino;cg_enemyColor "7-0xFF00FF-0x00FF00-0xFF00FF";play "sound/world/tim_pump.wav";bind DEL vstr EMC1"
bind DEL			"vstr EMC1"
vstr EMC4

play 				"sound/world/tim_pump.wav"
echo				"^1III ^7EnemyColors Cycle Script Loaded! ^1III"

Re: Simple enemycolor switch for nemesis

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 10:01
by fl4k
Here some other usefull scripts:

Enemy model switcher:

Code: Select all

// enemymodel toggle - for your autoexec.cfg
// last model set stays when you reload the engine

set nme1 "cg_enemyColors gggg; cg_enemymodel crash/pm; +scores; -scores; play sound/player/sarge/taunt; echo Crash; bind m vstr nme2"
set nme2 "cg_enemyColors gggg; cg_enemymodel orbb/pm; +scores; -scores; play sound/player/orbb/taunt; echo Orbb; bind m vstr nme3"
set nme3 "cg_enemyColors gggg; cg_enemymodel sarge/pm; +scores; -scores; play sound/player/sarge/taunt; echo Sarge; bind m vstr nme4"
set nme4 "cg_enemyColors gggg; cg_enemymodel xaero/pm; +scores; -scores; play sound/player/xaero/taunt; echo Xaero; bind m vstr nme5"
set nme5 "cg_enemyColors gggg; cg_enemymodel keel/pm; +scores; -scores; play sound/player/keel/taunt; echo Keel; bind m vstr nme6"
set nme6 "cg_enemyColors gggg; cg_enemymodel tankjr/pm; +scores; -scores; play sound/player/tankjr/taunt; echo Tankjr; bind m vstr nme1"
bind m vstr nme1
Volume Adjuster:

Code: Select all

// s_volume toggle - for your autexec.cfg and uses up and down arrows and plays a regular sound

set vdn "vstr v00"
set vup "vstr v01"
set v00 "s_volume 0.0 ; set vdn vstr v00 ; set vup vstr v01 ; play sound/player/sarge/jump1 ; con_echo Volume ^7[^0---^2mute^0----^7]"
set v01 "s_volume 0.1 ; set vdn vstr v00 ; set vup vstr v02 ; play sound/player/sarge/jump1 ; con_echo Volume ^7[^0-^jl^0---------^7]"
set v02 "s_volume 0.2 ; set vdn vstr v01 ; set vup vstr v03 ; play sound/player/sarge/jump1 ; con_echo Volume ^7[^0--^il^0--------^7]"
set v03 "s_volume 0.3 ; set vdn vstr v02 ; set vup vstr v04 ; play sound/player/sarge/jump1 ; con_echo Volume ^7[^0---^hl^0-------^7]"
set v04 "s_volume 0.4 ; set vdn vstr v03 ; set vup vstr v05 ; play sound/player/sarge/jump1 ; con_echo Volume ^7[^0----^gl^0------^7]"
set v05 "s_volume 0.5 ; set vdn vstr v04 ; set vup vstr v06 ; play sound/player/sarge/jump1 ; con_echo Volume ^7[^0-----^fl^0-----^7]"
set v06 "s_volume 0.6 ; set vdn vstr v05 ; set vup vstr v07 ; play sound/player/sarge/jump1 ; con_echo Volume ^7[^0------^el^0----^7]"
set v07 "s_volume 0.7 ; set vdn vstr v06 ; set vup vstr v08 ; play sound/player/sarge/jump1 ; con_echo Volume ^7[^0-------^dl^0---^7]"
set v08 "s_volume 0.8 ; set vdn vstr v07 ; set vup vstr v09 ; play sound/player/sarge/jump1 ; con_echo Volume ^7[^0--------^cl^0--^7]"
set v09 "s_volume 0.9 ; set vdn vstr v08 ; set vup vstr v10 ; play sound/player/sarge/jump1 ; con_echo Volume ^7[^0---------^bl^0-^7]"
set v10 "s_volume 1.0 ; set vdn vstr v09 ; set vup vstr v10 ; play sound/player/sarge/jump1 ; con_echo Volume ^7[^0----------^al^7]" 
vstr v03                        //sets v03 (s_volume 0.3) everytime the game loads
bind DOWNARROW vstr vdn
bind UPARROW vstr vup
Gamma Adjuster (brightness)

Code: Select all

// r_gamma toggle - for your autoexec.cfg and uses left and right arrows to adjust brightness and plays a sound

set gama "r_gamma 1.0 ; set gamup vstr gama ; set gamdn vstr gamb ; play sound/items/s_health ; con_echo Gamma ^7[^0^2l^0----------^7]"
set gamb "r_gamma 1.1 ; set gamup vstr gama ; set gamdn vstr gamc ; play sound/items/s_health ; con_echo Gamma ^7[^0-^jl^0---------^7]"
set gamc "r_gamma 1.2 ; set gamup vstr gamb ; set gamdn vstr gamd ; play sound/items/s_health ; con_echo Gamma ^7[^0--^il^0--------^7]"
set gamd "r_gamma 1.3 ; set gamup vstr gamc ; set gamdn vstr game ; play sound/items/s_health ; con_echo Gamma ^7[^0---^hl^0-------^7]"
set game "r_gamma 1.4 ; set gamup vstr gamd ; set gamdn vstr gamf ; play sound/items/s_health ; con_echo Gamma ^7[^0----^Gl^0------^7]"
set gamf "r_gamma 1.5 ; set gamup vstr game ; set gamdn vstr gamg ; play sound/items/s_health ; con_echo Gamma ^7[^0-----^fl^0-----^7]"
set gamg "r_gamma 1.6 ; set gamup vstr gamf ; set gamdn vstr gamh ; play sound/items/s_health ; con_echo Gamma ^7[^0------^el^0----^7]"
set gamh "r_gamma 1.7 ; set gamup vstr gamg ; set gamdn vstr gami ; play sound/items/s_health ; con_echo Gamma ^7[^0-------^dl^0---^7]"
set gami "r_gamma 1.8 ; set gamup vstr gamh ; set gamdn vstr gamj ; play sound/items/s_health ; con_echo Gamma ^7[^0--------^cl^0--^7]"
set gamj "r_gamma 1.9 ; set gamup vstr gami ; set gamdn vstr gamk ; play sound/items/s_health ; con_echo Gamma ^7[^0---------^bl^0-^7]"
set gamk "r_gamma 2.0 ; set gamup vstr gamj ; set gamdn vstr gamk ; play sound/items/s_health ; con_echo Gamma ^7[^0----------^al^7]"
vstr gamd                      //sets "gamd" (r_gamma 1.3) everytime the game loads
bind RIGHTARROW vstr gamdn
bind LEFTARROW vstr gamup
You can bind other keys for each script in the case that you use them already in game.