So we wanted to inform you that the server is shutdown and will be closed uppon the contract running time. The reason is, the hardware was stronger than we actualy need for our purpose, so also the price was higher and it have not bring any benefits compared to a cheaper server we had before.
It was again disapointing to see, that it have not satisfy mostly Mollusk and Suzy but just caused moneyloss

So after many server tryouts we have to come to a conclusion that we will look for a stable server with a acceptable hardware and price, but not look at any unjustified complains.
There are only two indicators which show that server lags: All players have a bouncing ping or/and all players have a unusually high ping with connection interrupts. In all other cases its the bad internet (bad connection, bad route/ too many hops etc...) and, consequently, a bad config by players side.
We can try together to find a good configuration for each player, therefore we have this site, cuz of comunication.
But blaming everything on server will just cause frustation on both sides, yours and admins.
The UK server is ok but we would like to have one in centereurope to make the best compromise coming to pings. The problem is we have to try servers but unfortunetely its causing a mess, it needs organisation, few people dont know where to connect, it costs money and administrative effort etc...
So the plan now
We will look for a server advisedly in nearly future, location should be holland or germany, so far we can say.
Edit: Server found